Diary of Tianna DeNA Jones

Diary of Tianna DeNA Jones

A woman with the proof of being a part of God's Prophecy comes out to reveal her experience during her awakening.

Tianna meaning follower of Christ, DeNA meaning judged by others, or judge with God, Jones meaning Jehova tells her story part 2 from her original autobiography called, "Cali Girl How Did You Make It In The Treacherous Streets of Detroit when she released God was with her the entire time. Ms. Jones never thought she was gifted or had spiritual abilities. A realest finally gets real with herself and faces God to strengthen herself for survival during this evolutionary time adapting to feeling everything around her. As this young woman of 32 years old accepted herself.

A woman finally becomes the best version of herself as she never stopped trying to increase her hope for humanity. Science, genealogy, and ancestral history shows a story that continued on.

This lady comes from survivors through her bloodlines of people that always believed in fighting for the justice of human rights and freedom. Jones is part of the present history being made.

As you read her diary of emotions and thoughts you get to take a ride of the journey with her as she finds her true identity that leads to her saving humanity.

Following a woman who is putting herself out there to be honest with all people we can't help but just admire her courage.

A true story, iconic revolutionary admiration sent from God above, we just see the light to love.

Cali Fae

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